Really Simple Syndication, RSS, is another reason a blog is a great addition to any website.
The biggest problem for our clients is that they think they have to write about everything themselves- and they hate to write. Not so-
you can fill your blog up with links to what others write-
like this really insigntful piece by Kevin Hale of on the importance of RSS- I suggest you take a read- “The importance of RSS
I wrote earlier about people acting as guides to content- filters- Kevin calls them “Salesmen/Connector/Maven” - I’m sure there are other terms out there, if you hear of them- let me know.
RSS is the mechanism for portals that will do what portals are supposed to do- but, the other part of it is that they can replace sending out opt-in e-mail. Apple has integrated RSS into OS X 10.4 “Tiger” and there are lots of other reader options. I use the extension “Sage” for Firefox and track about 40 feeds. When browsing in Firefox, it you arrive at a page that has a feed, a small orange RSS icon appears in the bottom right of the window next to the window resize handle, click on it and it will bookmark the feed- which you save to a feed folder in Firefox. Before long, RSS will be as ubiquitous as a browser.

What do you think?